My boyfriend likes to think he is some pro-gamer at Call of Duty and likes to make bets with his friends. They are all macho, wannabe alpha nerds so they all say yes. Usually it’s for money or who buys pizza but this time things reached a new level. To be honest, i liked watching win all the time, it was kinda hot. My bf won a lot too!
One of my boyfriends closest friends has a goddess as a girlfriend. She looks like a supermodel, its that level of beauty we are talking about. Our circle of friends is 99% guys so jokes about fucking other guys’ girlfriends is extremely common. We all know where this going, one night my boyfriend and his close friend are particularly getting frustrated with each other. I was there with the goddess girlfriend watching our boyfriends fight. That’s when they suggest, winner of the next game gets to fuck the others girlfriend. They asked us and were onboard, neither of us thought we were gonna lose. Plus, the thought of my boyfriend fucking someone else’s girlfriend was so fucking hot to me. My boyfriend is usually super protective of me and other guys, so I was shocked he even agreed to this.
They played and my boyfriend did so badly. I could tell he was annoyed but we had made an agreement. After some taunting from his friend, we started to get down to business. My nickname is Billie because they all think I look like Billie Eilish but personally I don’t really see it.
His friend went IN. First, I sucked his cock then the fucking began. My boyfriend kept leaving the room, saying he couldn’t watch this but he would always come back to see what was happening. The friends girlfriend (who was also watching) told my boyfriend he could jerk off. Out the corner, of my eye I see my angry boyfriend with his hard cock in his hand. His friend finished in my mouth and my boyfriend had to clean the cum stains off his jeans.
We then had the most awkward/horny car ride home. The friend group quickly found out about our escapade. I told my boyfriend that they will stop teasing him soon.